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USA GOLD DETECTOR 2020 GAMMA 3D Ground Scanner 1
USA GOLD DETECTOR 2020 GAMMA 3D Ground Scanner 2
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Usa gold detector 2020 gamma 3d ground scanner - istanbul

Dst Detectors Technology For Metal And Gold Detection
Multi functional system device which contains 3 advanced and professional detection systems.
According to our surveys, we found that all of prospectors who used ground imaging systems have encountered many complexities in the use of these devices and its complex software, but we have solved these complexities and difficulties in our device with 3D imaging systems, where our system allows anyone to use it with easy and smooth control.
Gamma is the main imaging tool to complete any successful 3D scan.
Gamma has the latest advanced detection and scanning systems to detect gold, metals and voids.
This device works on a new techniques and modern electronic foundations that offer new concepts and dimensions in the world of ground imaging devices.
A multi-tasking gamma device that allows users to do geological exploration and surveying in its wide ranges, with all tools and applications needed to complete the searches successfully.
This device was provided with 5-inch high-resolution colorful screen, it allows you to work with advanced professional functions and programs to detect underground targets with full control of the scanning properties and your path exploration journey until you reach the desired target.
This device can be used through 3 different detection and exploration systems
Gradiosmart system
Live Scan
3D Ground Scanner
Mobile : +90 538 913 3500
Dst Detectors Technology TURKEY ISTANBUL

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